Categories: Blog

Live, Work (and Play) Healthy!

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Sometimes, things don't always go as planned. It’s called Life. Or maybe it’s called the novel coronavirus that has, literally, brought the world to its knees and thrown all our best laid plans off gear! As countries have gone into lockdown, people have been forced to work from home, engaging in social distancing when they…
Categories: Blog

Will brands go the distance?

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In a pandemic such as the one which we are witnessing currently, it becomes the responsibility of brands to raise awareness and promote messages which can save millions of lives. Gurjant Pannu writes about brands that have taken the initiative to drive home the social distancing message. The coronavirus outbreak has paralysed the world and…
Categories: Blog

Fighting an Infodemic

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With the Coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak assuming alarming proportions worldwide, the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared it a pandemic with more than 118,000 confirmed cases and 4,291 deaths in 114 countries. India’s count of infected people is rising daily with 62 people infected and no confirmed deaths so far from the disease. Many countries have joined…
Categories: Blog

Tips for writing brilliant social media copy

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Writing good copy for social media is not rocket science. All it takes is a little bit of care and your writing will sparkle. Here are a few tips to get you started. Keep your language simple. Let me tell you that it is not easy to have a simple writing style. It’s very hard…
Categories: Blog

The Curious Case of the Corona Beer Virus: How Brands Battle Controversies

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With the Corona virus assuming epidemic proportions globally, people are on a mad quest to find information about what causes the virus and how it is transmitted. Oddly, Mexican beer brand Corona has unwittingly found itself in the middle of this virus mayhem. People are now wondering whether the virus is caused by drinking Corona…
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